Hey DaBethum, thank you for your overwhelming interest in our server. Reading inspirational and motivational applications like yours really makes our days that much brighter. If only more of the community shared your radiant and jovial disposition, Minecraft would be a better place for everyone. I only hope you can share your infectious joy with the rest of the Stonebound community.
I've gone ahead and whitelisted you, so you can now join any current and future Stonebound servers. We currently have two servers active:
Crackpack 1.7.10: Crackpack.stonebound.net
Principium 1.10.2 (available through Technic and Curse launchers): Principium.stonebound.net
We have some resources that you may find useful, like the server maps:
And our Slack channel, which you can use to communicate with the server outside of the game:
I hope you enjoy playing with us, and welcome to Stonebound.