Thank you for your interest in our server!
Unfortunately, we do not currently accept users under the age of 16.
You are welcome to reapply once you meet our age requirement.
Hey Mal, I've Gone Ahead and added you to the whitelist. Have fun With your Partner in Crime Ace.
And if you enjoy Engineering style thing you might really enjoy the create mod.
The way you play minecraft is very recognizable, tbh right now there isn't very much activity but whenever we launch a new server we have a very active spawn community for a month or longer, hope you'll join us then as well.
For now I've added you to our whitelist, welcome to Stonebound 🙂
Hey, thank you for your interest and sorry for the long wait.
Added you to our whitelist, currently our servers are pretty dead, but we should have some fresh server soon. Until then have fun playing on DW20.
Hello, sorry for the wait and thank you for your interest. Added you to the whitelist, the Create server is pretty much at the end of its life, but you are whitelisted for all future servers as well. Welcome to Stonebound!
Hey, server has been pretty dead, sorry about that. Not sure if you are still interested, but you are whitelisted for all current and future servers, maybe come by sometime when it's not so dead around here.
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server.
Unfortunately, based on your short application, we don't feel you would be a good fit here.
I hope that you understand, and I wish you the best of luck in finding a server that is suitable for you.
I wonder how much liverpain we can cause boss by actually referring to people as stonebounders, it's causing me some. Have fun making toasted noodles on the server.
Thank you for your interest in our community!
Unfortunately, when I looked up your username it says an account does not exist with that name.
If you do not have a paid Minecraft account you cannot play on our servers.
Thank you for your interest in our community!
I have added you to the whitelist.
Hope you enjoy playing Create and trying out some of the other mods available. 🙂
@phit pity
but thank you that you checked my application
Again sorry for the mess i did on discord 😞 i didnt mean to anger you and staff members. You know I alredy waited 24 hours so i told in help and nobody replied with anything 😧 .
Bye and see you in few years.
Shame advanced rocketry hasn't made it to 1.16 yet, even though functionally there's not much difference between just building in a different dimension it's strangely surreal.
Hey hey my friend!
We've got a real influx of programmers recently with the advent of create, at this rate we're going to have to create a discord channel dedicated to it.