Thank you for your application. I've gone ahead and added you to our whitelist.
Feel free to stop by our discord if you have any questions or want to hang out with our other members.
Thank you for your application. I've gone ahead and added you to our whitelist.
Feel free to stop by our discord if you have any questions or want to hang out with our other members.
Thank you for your application. I've gone ahead and added you to our whitelist. Feel free to stop by our discord if you have any questions or want to hang out.
I've gone ahead and added you to our whitelist, so now you should be able to access our servers. Feel free to stop by our discord if you have any questions or just want to hang out with our other members.
Thank you for your application, I've added you to our whitelist.
Hope you enjoy playing with the create mod, you're always more than welcome to come and gain inspiration from builds on our server, or to play other modpacks 😄
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server!
Unfortunately, your application is a bit shorter than we would like. If you could add on to it, we'd appreciate it.
Feel free to include more information about why you want to be a part of our community, or personal things like your favorite mods or building style.
Thank you for your interest in our community!
I have gone ahead and added you to the whitelist.
I do hope you enjoy the Kreation server, technology modpacks can be a blast. 🙂
Thank you for your interest in our community! I went ahead and added you to the whitelist. Did you know that one of our staff members, simibubi, is the author of Create? Welcome to Stonebound!!
Thank you for your interest in our community! I went ahead and added you to the whitelist. Did you know that one of our staff members, simibubi, is the author of Create? Welcome to Stonebound!!
Thank you for your interest in our community! I went ahead and added you to the whitelist. I hope you enjoy playing with Create. Welcome to Stonebound!!