Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server.
Unfortunately, we have decided to decline your application.
I wish you the best of luck in finding a server that is suitable for you.
Thanks for giving us an application. I have had a look through and I can happily say that as of this message, you are now on the whitelist! Feel free to stop by our discord if you have any questions or want to hang out with the rest of us.
If you want a personal recommendation, our FTB ultimate reloaded server has computercraft with some extra peripherals thrown in. I'd give that a go at some point 😄
Good day!
Thanks for introducing yourself, I went right ahead and whitelisted you.
The whitelist carries over to other current and future packs, so should you be looking for company I can suggest stopping by our Ultimate Server, but that is entirely up to you. =]
Either way, I hope you enjoy playing in our community.
See you around!~
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server.
Unfortunately, based on a closer look at your Minecraft player history, we don't feel you would be a good fit here.
I hope that you understand, and I wish you the best of luck in finding a server that is suitable for you.