Re-Applying, as it has been a very long while, and it seems my whitelist has expired. original application is here
About me...
Current Age: 28
Country: Canada
IGN: Monkeybug34My favourite mod is still Thaumcraft. although Create is a close 2nd. Currently waiting with anticipation for CoFH to announce anything about their taking over the project. I am looking to join in on the release of the Create: Arcane Engineering server, although I don't currently have anyone to play with. I may base alone or find someone in the grouping channels.
Hey Monkey, long time! You are still whitelisted, did you try to join the new servers? They don't open until friday
you got me >.< yeah I did try joining. I posted this before I went back and read the actual forum announcement. I figured I'd leave this up just to be sure I was whitelisted. Thanks for confirming ^_^