@phit Hello! My mistake its Kimchiwitrice
Hi I am 25 and I am from the US, I got into Minecraft actually during when they launched it on Xbox for the first time since i couldn't afford a pc at the time then I finally switch to pc later on. I started streaming as a hobby back in 2019 and still streaming to this day! I mostly like exploring and going on mini adventures with my animal companions as well as farming. I do like some horror mods one in particular was bloodmoon i recently played on a server with that on.
Heyo, sorry I think this application kinda slipped through the cracks. Kimchiyeettv doesn't seem to be a valid Minecraft username, please doublecheck your username and update this post.
@phit Hello! My mistake its Kimchiwitrice
Sorry, forgot to check back in, added you to the whitelist now. Apologize for the wait, looking forward to seeing you on the server!