Hello there /General Kenobi/ My name is Yan I'm 20, I'm from Kazakhstan. Was Invited on your server by _Mad_Max and SuspectSpirit. I was asked to help build a statue of freedom from copper. So I'm not a pro in minecraft, but I know game basics hehehe. So I like shooters like CS:GO, r6s, overwatch. My favorite games are Assassins Creed every single game
Was never banned for serious reason, I'm not a griefer, I was banned just for poking fun at server administrators when I was younger, just because it was fun to watch them get angry. This happened a long time ago. Now i'm goodI promise to be a law-abiding player, not offend anyone on the server and treat others with respect
Hi Yan,
I have gone ahead and added you to our whitelist. I hope you have a good time with your friends at Stonebound!
phit 12 Jun 2024, 11:55
account was given to