Hello, I believe that due to some downtime, I lost my initial application, dated October 12, 2018.
Here's my new order:
Age: 43, yes I'm getting old.
Country: Brazil
I previously found the community through Google, but since I'm already on Discord...
I've been playing Minecraft for many years, since 2010, to have fun with my son, now 23 years old, he still plays Minecraft with friends in a Closed Realm.
I play Minecraft casually... to have a little fun and burn my neurons on technology modpacks, before age does it for me!
I have no memories of ever being banned from Minecraft in all these long years of playing.
I've had problems with CS 1.6 for a long time, which messed up my Steam profile... but that was a long time ago, when I went online with Bots for offline play activated.
I hope to still be accepted in the community, despite going unnoticed in discord and in-game chats.