Minecraft Username: Dmouse
Age: 17
Location: (optional) California
Why should we accept you: I want to play on a nice server with a good community that wont kill you on sight. I will help other people and make a bunch of stuff. Never would destroy other peoples stuff. Thanks for looking at my app.
How did you hear about us: (optional)
Minecraft Username: Dmouse
Age: 17
Location: (optional) California
Why should we accept you: I want to play on a nice server with a good community that wont kill you on sight. I will help other people and make a bunch of stuff. Never would destroy other peoples stuff. Thanks for looking at my app.
How did you hear about us: (optional) -
Spoke to you on teamspeak, and as I said there I have gone ahead and whitelisted you.
We look forward to playing with you! -
Welcome to the server Dmouse!
If there is anything you need in-game - and its not too much of a hassle - give me a shout-out when I'm online.
Hope to see you soon -
Thanks! I'll hit you up if I need you.