25 Jul 2016, 21:40

Name: William
Steam Name:William17
hello I have been looking for the best crack pack sever all morning for me and a few of my friends to play again on we would like to start again we are all mostly from the Montreal area which is why i believe this is the best fit for us and it seems like a great community to play on i feel as when we join (Hoping we can) that we will travel far in the world looking for a good place to settle our town and try to keep to ourselfs we have our own teamspeak so we will be in that one more likely i m hoping to build a castle for some reason i love building then in Minecraft and don't see my self stopping any time soon i love using the modded vision of Minecraft for building and travailing as it makes the game more enjoyable i hope you will accept our applications to join and looking forward to playing once again .