Silius is a good friend and a lot of fun to play with. He's definitely a plus for the stonebound community!
Hi there!
I generally go by Silius for short (with wishes that I had been more sensible when I chose that name), and I've been playing various games for a few years now with Spunmunkey, The_Brochacho, and ArbitraryHubris. We started out in On The Edge Gamers (another community) and got tired of the drama and the way certain things were run. We've since mainly been together for Minecraft, but have played many other games together in between. I'm typically very laid back and enjoy helping others wherever I can. In Minecraft I usually end up with a very small, compact base, often because I spend more time off helping someone else, rather than expanding my own home. I like to consider myself creative, and try to be unique in an out of the way style wherever I can.
My in-game name is Silius_Bellator, I am 17 (and a half if that matters), and I'm from Florida. I heard about this community through ArbitraryHubris.
I'd love to join your community to see what I can bring to the table so that we can all have more fun.
Silius is a good friend and a lot of fun to play with. He's definitely a plus for the stonebound community!
I've gone ahead and whitelisted you, I see you've done a lot with Hubris and friends. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the server!