Hello @SarcasticExpert,
welcome to Stonebound! I just went ahead and whitelisted you on our servers.
Nice to see some more people that have been playing for a long time, talk to you ingame soon
IGN: SarcasticExpert
Age: 17
Found this server on: FTB Forum Server List
Welp I've got to tell you some stuff about myself so I guess I'll start off by saying I love almost all games be it new or old, a moba to survival horror. I've been playing modded Minecraft before thermal expansion was popular, or possibly even created. I want to have a job in petroleum engineering when I am older. I'm not extremely creative but I try to be when I am building. I'm always one willing to sit down and figure a problem out before taking any other measures. Anything else wanting to know? Post a reply asking me and I shall answer.
Hello @SarcasticExpert,
welcome to Stonebound! I just went ahead and whitelisted you on our servers.
Nice to see some more people that have been playing for a long time, talk to you ingame soon