its cuz im a weeb huh
Hello my name is Ace a 15 year old sophomore in highschool From Massachusetts. I used to play on a small Ftb ultimate server back in like 2014 called canine craft, it was a chill server located in Romania that I played everyday had like 2000 hours on and was even senior admin...But Sadly the server was converted into a Gmod Dark Rp server for some reason and i eventually Quit playing minecraft because of it.
I would like to join the server because i want to try out the new mods but dont really want to play on the larger servers because i find them crowded and i just prefer smaller servers
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server.
Unfortunately, based on a closer look at your Minecraft player history, we don't feel you would be a good fit here.
I hope that you understand, and I wish you the best of luck in finding a server that is suitable for you. -
its cuz im a weeb huh
No, because your ban history.
i did hack for the shits and giggles worth it but will not hack again?
alright ill give you my cs inventory breh its a whole $2 no scam
im a good guy its in my name cmon bby
minecraft uuid e39bf528-7382-4734-b59d-97a9ea08526b
continued to harass after being declined for his ban history, don't whitelist this guy