Hey, thank you for your interest!
Enjoy playing with your buddy, added you both to the whitelist. Happy Holidays and welcome to Stonebound
I am 17. I live in California in the US. I am currently a Senior in highs school and am looking to become a civil or mechanical engineer in college. I am a cross country and track runner, and led my school's cross country team to a third place finish in our division in the state meet. I have no ban history or lying about age history. I like to hang out with my friends and do stuff with them, that is why one of my friends and I have both applied to the server. I got into Minecraft when my friends were playing it in 2013 and I wanted to get it, so for Christmas my parents gave me money and I bought the game. Have been enjoying it since then. Got into modded Minecraft after a few years of vanilla and have enjoyed playing that even more. My favorite mod, which isn't always used is hardcore questing mod. Not all servers or mod packs have it, which doesn't bother me much, so after that my favorite mod would probably tinker's construct because it is just so useful. Another one of my favorite mod packs is rails of war, which includes highly-detailed train tracks and trains. I really like this pack because when I was younger I used to play with Thomas the Tank Engine train tracks, so it was like a upgraded version of my childhood. Anyways, hope to see you guys on your server-Chris
Hey, thank you for your interest!
Enjoy playing with your buddy, added you both to the whitelist. Happy Holidays and welcome to Stonebound