Next Server and Revelation Reset
We are happy to announce our next server, running "Rise of the Pack". It's a small, expert pack loaded with quests and fun progression, sure to keep you busy for a while.
You can download the pack from the Twitch Launcher by searching for "Rise of the Pack" in the modpack section.The server will open Saturday, March 3rd, around 4pm UTC (click here for your timezone)
Server Address:
As always, you can see the server map at and possibly pick a spot where you would want to live.
We look forward to seeing you on the server!
You may have already seen on Discord, we are also planning on doing a full reset for FTB Revelation, meaning a new world, new seed and new chance to join the fun!
The last day for the old map will be March 8th, following with the launch of a fresh map a day later around 8pm UTC.
Finally, we are doing a short survey regarding our age requirement policy, which you can find here.
OMG So exciting. It doesn't really seem to be that different from Revelation other than the questing bit of all.
Let all get hyped!
@kelinni said in Next Server and Revelation Reset:
It doesn't really seem to be that different from Revelation other than the questing bit of all.
I mean sure, it is still a modpack for 1.12 and has a few mods in common.. that's about it. So calling it not that different is quite the stretch.
Lol, was never as an offence, I'm very much so looking forward to it!I think it's a great choice. Thank you for choosing such an exciting mod pack
Just joined the new server today! Really excited to try the pack, the quests sound like a fun addition. They're one of the things I loved most about Project Ozone