Henlo o/ I am Key. IGN: KeyTheKhaos. I'm 22, and I live in the US. I found you guys by searching around for a Revelations server through the depths of Google I have no history of bans. As a player i'm more to myself when it comes to progressing through various mods, but if someone needs help with a particular mod, if i'm free i'm one to jump at the opportunity to help. Mods that I know really well, or knew really well were: Thaumcraft, IC2, Tinker's Construct, Buildcraft, and most recent- one of the main reasons i'm choosing Revelations- Astral Sorcery. I know some of those mods aren't in this pack, but it may give a feel to the type of person I am. The reason I would like to join this server is for the smaller community, the interaction between players, whether it be explaining how something works, or sharing ideas(game related, or irl) It's something special. Something you don't get on bigger servers. Anyways, thanks for reading. I hope ya'll whitelist me lol.
NotKey -
Hello Key,
thanks for your application, we're happy to have you joining us! Hope you enjoy playing with our Revelation crew, a few people are still around. Otherwise you're welcome to join any of the future packs and worlds we're hosting aswell.
You've been white-listed, welcome to Stonebound, see you soon!