Heyo! My name is grebce in game but I go by Grey. I wanted to send in an application to join a community that had freedom but fun as well. I am 19 and live in Texas USA. I am a fanatic builder and I go crazy when I have the ability to build whatever I want. My favorite mod I would say...hmmm. I don't think I could pick one. I would have to do the top three, and that's easy. Ars Magica has to be my favorite magic mod ever. And then its a tie between chisel and bits and forge macroblocks. I am a builder after all haha. I found this server through scrolling for hours to find something that would match the community I was looking for. I want to play on the revelations server, but if I had the ability to I would most likely end up playing on all of the servers.
Heyo Grey, welcome to Stonebound!
Thanks for your interest in joining our community, you've been added to the whitelist!
Chisels and bits is a fantastic mod indeed, though you sure have to be careful not to end up spending all day on modeling a single block
Hope you enjoy our little server, have fun and see you around!