Heyy, application coming through. Hopefully its ok?
I'm a 22 years old Yorkshire-man (English but better, duhh)
Found you through a few friends that are playing your server currently, figured I'd get back on the horse per-say.
No history of bans, couldn't do a bad thing with out feeling bad. Never lied about my age... on purpose... >.> its hard after 20! I still think I am 20 sometimes... But no, 22.
Got into minecraft from a cousin who showed me a little 4x4 house he was proud off. Made me like the game, that he'd gone out for the stuff he needed to build it (even if it was half dirt and half wood) just pushed me there to play, mainly for the building aspect which I'm still poor at myself... still learning shoes on that part. I still loooooove Thaumcraft as a mod, magic and stuff, oh and the effect... mmmmmm. Favourite things in game to do? Has to be team projects, building, farming dying in a group is always fun. Hobbies and interests... Well, recently I've been boring myself to death with work, followed by binge watching Netflix, playing MHW and building my model planes and helicopters, you know, usual stuff for 21st century right?Anyway, i think that's enough rambling about little me, hope you didn't fall to sleep part way through, enjoy the read and i hope to see you soon perhaps?
Hello Beilzebub,
I've had a quick look over your application, and I can (somewhat) safely say that you're being truthful to us. I should know, we've know each other for a while.
In any case, I've checked some stuff and I'm happy to welcome you onto our servers! Feel free to hop on our discord if you need any help, want to hang out with other people or just want the updates. Happy mining!