Hi, I'm 26 and have been playing Minecraft off and on for about 10-11 years. I live in free US on a farm. The only time I have been banned is while helping a friend set up whitelists on a private server. I usually like to play alone or in a small group. My hobbies are simply anything I may find interesting at the time. Anyhow, my buddy recommended I try Stonebound with him so I am applying to whitelist.
Hi! Thank you for your interest in our server. I have read over your application and found it a little short. If you could add on to it possibly by letting us know the things you like to do in Minecraft and such that would be helpful.
Sorry for the late reply. I agree, my last post was a bit short so let me tell you a bit about myself and why I like Minecraft:
I am very OCD and so a vast majority of my time goes into moving items from chest to chest trying to organize (the ME system is amazing btw!!!). Other than that I am actually somewhat new to modded minecraft. I spend most of my time exploring the new mods trying to move through the different progressions. In normal minecraft I pride myself in building cave-bunkers so I have a feeling stonecraft is going to be very exciting for me. I also like "cataloging" the different items in Minecraft by trying to obtain one of each. When I play a mod pack I tend to progress slowly while trying to appreciate the full creativity and content in it. As stated above, I first got into Minecraft about 10-11 years ago. Even though I am an olderish player I still missed out on the addition of several key additions to Minecraft such as the Nether, End, and Mods. Currently my interest is just getting to explore everything since I did miss out.
Also note for the admins, I like to build big but I also understand that there are server constraints. I will always adhere to a first warning towards any building restraints and since I keep to myself my only interactions with other players are always friendly and helpful.
Hope you give me a chance. Cheers!
Hi! Thank you for your reply. I have reviewed your application and it gives me great pleasure to tell you that you have whitelisted on our network! -inserts crowds cheering here- Feel free to stop by our Discord and say hi! If you have any questions, let us know.