23 Mar 2019, 02:45

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not exactly one for writing things like this, but, here we go.

I'm 19 and I currently live in the USA, I found this community looking for servers for the Life In the Village mod, cause I've been getting pretty bored going absolutely solo in the mod. As for previous bans, I don't think I've ever been banned on a server.

I got into Minecraft around 2009 when the Xbox 360 edition came out. I remember playing the absolute hell out of it and having a blast, after like two or three years we migrated to the PC edition of Minecraft and had even more fun with it. I remember back in either 2012-2013 a friend and I actually helped build parts of the Disney World server. I played for a while longer but then I hit high school and college. I'm just now getting back into the game after, like, a five and a half year hiatus. Seeing all these new mods completely dumbfounded me, I honestly felt like you need a legitimate architecture and engineering degree to understand half of this stuff, haha. On another note, I was also hit with the nostalgia hammer right in the face when I loaded up the game, it brought back a lot of good memories, and seeing how far the game has come in the time I was gone made me real happy for some reason. As of right now my current favorite mods for this game are Sky Factory 3, Stoneblock, and Life in the Village. As for what I do in real life, I'm about to graduate with my Associates degree in Music Production and Business. How I got into that is a story for another time if you ever find yourself interested in it for whatever reason.

P.S this is a brand new MC account because I forgot the username for the account and the password for the email I used for it. Those are like, forever lost within the annals of history haha.