Name: Drew
Age: 25
Country: USA - SC
How did you find us: Discord Friend
Bans: NoneHello everyone!
My name is Drew, and I have been playing Minecraft, off and on, since the beta. Over the years I have come back and back again to the game experimenting with all the new features and looking at new ways to enjoy the game. Most recently, I invested my time into SevTech: Ages. I'm a sucker for a mod/modpack that allows me to start fresh as a caveman of sorts, and allows me to make my progression how I want, and as fast as I want, all the way to space travel. Sometimes I would stay in age 1 just to experiment and build with that style to make sure I was the upmost prepared for the next age. Unfortunately, most of my friends did not enjoy the "difficulty" of the modpack so it was abandoned. I do play from time to time now and looking for something better! I currently work as a Customer Solutions Technician at a communications company and live at home with a 3 year old and girlfriend. Other than this, I do play Battlefield and Sekiro at the moment and just enjoy games in totality. I stream and love interacting with new people and making new friends. I hope to be able to play with you all soon and thanks for this opportunity.
Heyo, thank you for your interest!
That's totally what I'm doing right now, waiting in my current stage and over preparing.
Hope you your friends don't leave you behind againAdded you to our whitelist, welcome to Stonebound.