23 Apr 2019, 21:26

Hello my name is Edmunds and i would like to play on your server.
I came about your server while on the serach for a 'LiTV' pack server, as i do not typically like to play alone anymore.
I am 17 years of age, like to explore and looking forward to joining your community.
I tend to try my best to be helpfull in some way, be it by explaining somthing or straight up helping someone in some way.
I got into minecraft around 10 years ago, when i was sneaking on my brothers computer to play videogames, it was one of the few games i was allowed to play since the only other games on his computer ware of the shooting type.
My all time favorite mod is Tinkers Construct, as it lets me do whatever i want when it comes to making tools, especially when there are addon mods for it, its like making my own personalized items that suit only me.

The country that i live in is Latvia

I believe that i only have 2-3 bans on record, 2 of whitch had nothing to do with me and one where i simply didnt know that it was a bannable offense.
By having nothing to do with me i mean, that i was wrongfully banned based on suspicions and that i simply was not trusted enough on those servers for them to not suspect me in any way.