28 May 2019, 16:02

Hello my name is Joshua although i go by Josh, I am just getting back into Minecraft in general and don't want to bother playing vanilla. I enjoy making efficient farms in game and love to help others in builds that they require me in. I am 19 years old.
birth date is 12/30/1999 am I a 90's kid? you decide 😉
I found you guys after I watched a Youtube video showcasing multiple different mod packs and this one caught my eye. I did some general searching around for severs and none were any good. Was hoping to get into this one as I imagine it would be a lot friendlier. As for bans or any of that nonsense I honestly cannot remember if I ever was banned of a Stonebound server before or for that matter any server i cared about. After all whats the point in playing Minecraft to have to start over again after a ban.
My IGN is:Xcel_Sweg
IK IK thats super cringe, thats because the last time I played minecraft was when I was 9 or 10 or more specifically when FTB Unleashed came out. So its been awhile hence why idk if I was ever banned from one of your guys's severs. I hope this application suffices and I hope to here back from you guys soon so I can show what I might be capable of.
Sincerely: Joshua

Ps. My fav mod by far is a simple but good one. Tinker's Construct.