I’m BJS, an 18 year old from England. My friends (FlowofLife and Cornslayer) have both reccomended this community to me as the ideology of it interests me and I feel that this is the right place for me.
I have never recieved a ban, a kick a warning from anyone on any server.
Minecraft has been in my life since the day it came out and I feel that now I would like to extend my experience by venturing into a community like yours that takes the game to another level.
I ran a community of my own on Arma 3 so I am used to communicating with other players within a community and I feel that this palce would suit me perfectly.
Hope to hear from you soon, thanks.
Hello BJS, I have read through your application and I think you will be a good fit. I have whitelisted you on our servers.
What does your Arma 3 community do mostly when you guys get together and play? If my computer could handle it that is one game I think I would enjoy immensely.
@AraDJudge Thank you mate! We do co-op milsim operations in a joint ops format consisting of a Marines Platoon, NATO Rotary Squadron and a NATO/British Special Forces troop.
Sounds like a good time. If I could play I would definitely hang out in the Marine platoon.
Hope you enjoy your stay here in the Stonebound community.