We updated to Infinity Evolved Skyblock 1.1.0
Mods Updated:
- BrandonsCore
- Draconic Evolution 1.0.2a
- Excompressum 1.1.113
- fastcraft 1.23
- FTBIsland 1.1.1
- FTBTrophies 1.0.7
- ImmersiveEngineering 0.7.5
- IC2 2.2.819
- Logistics Pipes
- Resource Loader 1.3
- Storage Drawers 1.9.7
- Main Menu links for servers/changelogs fixed
- Disabled Thermal Expansion recipes for MFR
- THAUMCRAFT: Metal nugget dupe bug fixed
- THAUMCRAFT: Fixed Paving Stone of Travel recipe (Changed the invalid aspect)
- WITCHERY: Changed the anointing paste recipe (No longer has to deal with nbt)
- BUILDCRAFT: Gear Achievement Fix
- TINKERS CONSTRUCT: Slab Tool Forge Fix
- AE2: Added tooltip to wrench informing players it will be consumed via autocrafting methods
- THERMAL EXPANSION: removed storage drawers wood trim in saw mill recipes to fix wood dupe
- BOTANIA: Fixed broken comprilla recipe
- THERMAL EXPANSION: removed different tiers of induction smelters required for ore due to rare problems with script loading
- RAILCRAFT: Fixed IE <-> RC coal coke ore dict entries