26 Sept 2019, 01:24

Hello, my name is Brendan.

I am a 19 year old male from the United Kingdom and have been playing Minecraft since about before 1.7, my brother stole my original account a few years ago then he gave me one which was taken back from the original owner about a week or so ago, so I was forced to buy Minecraft again.
I got into Minecraft because there was not many games for me to play way back when and I thought it was a cool game.
My favourite mods are Thaumcraft, Mekanism, Draconic Evolution and Flux Networks.
Things I like to do in-game are do my best in making things look good however I am not the best builder so that's a built of a struggle.
My hobbies/interests are watching anime which I have watched a lot of and struggle to find more to watch because of genres and such I enjoy.
I would say I'm a nice person who's generally easy to get along with and will try to help people if they need anything.
Thank you for reading this application and hope to hear from you soon.

Brendan - Brxndxn