Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server!
Unfortunately, your application is a bit shorter than we would like. If you could add on to it, we'd appreciate it.
Feel free to include more information about why you want to be a part of our community, or personal things like your favorite mods or building style.
Age = 28
Current Country = USA
Found you using google.
I'm just starting minecraft so no bans etc. I have played in single player only so far. I want to join server in order to see what more it has to offer.My favourite mod is IC2. I like to build all those machines. I want to make a Nuclear Reactor some day in Nuclear Craft.
In real life I'm a physics grad student and like to listen to music. I recently bought a violin and taking lessons. I also like to read scifi and nonfic. My favourite TV show is Star Trek (You might have guessed it from my username, Haha).
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server!
Unfortunately, your application is a bit shorter than we would like. If you could add on to it, we'd appreciate it.
Feel free to include more information about why you want to be a part of our community, or personal things like your favorite mods or building style.