Sorry again, added you to the whitelist now! Have fun on the server and I look forward to seeing you in game.
Username: Direwolfqueen
Age: 24
Country: United States
History of Bans: I personally have never gotten banned on any server, however my account was stolen for around a year maybe a year and a half. I only got it back a few months ago, so any bans during that time i have wholly unaware of, and apologies for as they do not represent me.I got into Minecraft way back when the game was still in beta, back then my favorite mod was Mo's Creatures, and a handful of similar mods. Now My favorite mods tends to be pixelmon, and farming mods when i want something relaxing where i dont have to deal with mobs, and ice and fire when i feel like pulling out hair. My favorite thing to do in game tends to be hoarding materials and animals and building large houses/farms.
My Hobbies heavily deal in video games, animals, as I grew up playing Pokemon, legend of zelda and Mario, so i still tend to get those games when they come out, however the Final fantasy series, Monster hunter, Animal Crossing and Rune factory are heavily among my favorites. I have a 14 year old cat who will be 15 this year, a three year old dog and a 2 year old parrot, as well as a few reptiles and Axolotls. Kinda ended up raising Axolotls as a hobby when i ended up with babies from my original tank. (Imagine spending hours slowly and carefully picking sticky eggs off a huge piece of driftwood you submerged in your tank)
Leaving a message for staff: Dire here is a friend of mine, how she found Stonebound is through me.
Sorry again, added you to the whitelist now! Have fun on the server and I look forward to seeing you in game.