28 Mar 2020, 11:51

I am 20 years old, Live in the UAE and study in the UK. I found out about you from some friends who were looking for a server, @zangoozer and @murtaza64 . I have no history of bans or lying about my age. I haven't played loads of minecraft, played for a while on a realm when I was 14 with a bunch of friends from school. Recently did a full playthrough of the RLCraft modpack with a friend and now im looking forward to new experiences with modded minecraft. I enjoy grinding for better equipment or enchants, and so I like the progression and leveling system in RLCraft. I haven't played lots of games in my life, mainly league of legends and some runescape3, but I've recently gotten into enter the gungeon, a bullet hell dungeon crawler.

Anyways, thanks for reading my application. 🙂