The whitelist is universal bro, only Kreation members had to register for the main whitelist (if they weren't already on it), in other words you're already whitelisted for ATM6.
Hi, i'm 18 and i'm from Italy. I found stonebound a long time ago and i played with a friend on antymatterchemestry. I found out searching on my discord server that you got atm6 and i wanted to try it. I think i have no ban history but since i had this game for 6 years, i could not remember.
I'm a student, i play videogames since i had 2 years and i enjoy playing in community.
The whitelist is universal bro, only Kreation members had to register for the main whitelist (if they weren't already on it), in other words you're already whitelisted for ATM6.
@Scarlet oh, i really didn't check, thanks anyway