Hello I am strange man! I have come to review your application! Looks pretty good!
Short Utah Jokes Q: What do you get when you crossbreed Utah State football and a groundhog? A: Six more weeks of bad football!
Application Approved
Hey there! I am 21 years old, I have been playing minecraft for 9 years. I have had 1 ban on hypixel when I was 13 years old. That is the only ban I have. My favorite mods are tinkers construct and mystical agriculture. I live in Utah. Love to program and fix cars in my free time as well as play games. Got into minecraft because it was something different from all the FPS games, and just haven't stopped playing it. I play for long periods of time usually unless its been a crazy day. Not the best at building, but am good at automating things. Found you guys while trying to find a good oceanblock server.
Hello I am strange man! I have come to review your application! Looks pretty good!
Short Utah Jokes Q: What do you get when you crossbreed Utah State football and a groundhog? A: Six more weeks of bad football!
Application Approved
@scarlet well it depends what football you are talking about