Thank you for your interest in our server.
Upon further review, it seems that there is some difference in information between what you have told us and what we have found.
Unfortunately we will have to decline your application for this reason, I hope you understand.
We wish you the best in finding a new server.
Heyo! I'm Kitty, even though my ingame name is Nikag (very old account, made it awhile ago hehe.) I am currently 18 and am looking for a nice modded minecraft community to play with. I've played on numerous servers that have closed now, one I played the longest was a server named Heart and Soul in which I helped moderate, but that server died out and I ended up leaving it as the server itself was shut down. I haven't played in a few months, but now with my school life coming to a lull as it nears the end of the year, I'm looking for a new server to play on and learn all there is to know about modded 1.10. I hope you guys do consider me! I really want to find a server that has a nice active community, and i think this might be one. Thanks! - Kitty
Thank you for your interest in our server.
Upon further review, it seems that there is some difference in information between what you have told us and what we have found.
Unfortunately we will have to decline your application for this reason, I hope you understand.
We wish you the best in finding a new server.