Hi I'm F0ll0wer0fJesus or just follower for short. I am a avid minecraft player who originally started out on xbox the day it was released for console. I have sense move to PC with a good friend of mine and am looking for a good SkyFactory server to play on exclusively. Have played on several servers and experienced issues from admins asking me to leave because of my minecraft name to logging in to find admins demod our machines while we were offline. I am watching Direwolf's youtube series and stumbled across this server on ftbservers.com Almost forgot I am a 29 year old stay at home father.
Let me know if you're still interested in playing on Beyond or Ultimate. -
Yes i did notice that and I'm not opposed to trying out the beyond pack. Imma get my buddy modder fodder to fill out a app as well.
Alright, I added you to the whitelist!
Have fun and I'll see on the server