I found you guys on the FTB forums and felt like joining because I'm not really part of anything atm.
I'm 17 years old and I live in Belgium but I grew up in The Netherlands ;3
I'm someone with a Thaumcraft addiction, so I'm more of a magic person.
Not sure what else to tell so you can just ask if you need to know more-Deadly_Dull (Ign)
Why do you think you are a good fit for the server and why should we accept you?
Not sure what there is to say,
I've never been banned, never cursed at someone on minecraft and I'm pretty active.
But there's nothing special about me, I'm not a genius who knows everything about minecraft and I'm not extremely social.It's your choice if you want me or not, I want to be part of a community but it doesn't necessarily need to be this one, because I don't know people around here.
That's all I can say I think.-Deadly_Dull
No worries just wanted to know a bit more about you
I went ahead and whitelisted you, welcome to Stonebound!
I hope you will enjoy playing on our server, talk to you soon.