Hey, I'm Aldendie i'm 16 from Washington,USA. I have been banned twice One perm and one temp (1 Week) and i have lied about my age but not to sign up for something where i need to be a certain age but just for fun like saying i am 150 years old. My hobbies are computers and Minecraft. My favorite Mods are Botania and Tinkers construct. I got into Minecraft from my friend 4 years ago i think. I used to love the Aether mod when i first played MC. Oh and the bans were the perm was on a skyfactory 3 server for mking a RFtools dimension which was dumb and the temp was i used a xray a long time ago. I hope i get whitelisted to the server!
that dimension ban though, sad that you got banned for that. There's ways to disable the creation server-side, so shit like that won't ever happen here! I added you to the whitelist, welcome to Stonebound.