Hello, my name is DiabloNemisis. Currently I'm 19 and I live in The United States. I found you guys through a friend of mine named Iophobic who I trust very much. In terms of bans, I have yet to receive one. So in terms of being a player, I generally like to support my group when I play Minecraft with people often helping setup or build with my main group. Honestly I had gotten into Minecraft Right when 1.2.5 dropped and man did I love to play it! honestly it was one of the best games that I play and still play to this day. Usually I like to play it for the quests, but I also like to play just to either build or come up with new ways to automate and make huge factories. Obviously applying to a server like this reminds of me of when I used to run servers so this is quite nostalgic for me to play on a server with a great community! I hope to hear from you guys soon!!
Hey DiabloNemisis, thanks for your application!
You've been added to the whitelist, have a good time playing here with Iophobic and the crew!
See you around~