I'm a 21 year old college student in the US. Googled around for FTB servers, found you guys on a list of Revelations servers. I've been playing Minecraft for around 8 years now, so I'm sure I've had a ban or two in that time, but not in the past 5 years at least.
Been playing video games for a long time, but Minecraft is probably the one I come back to most. I always find myself playing a bunch of singleplayer or multiplayer with just a friend or two, but this time I wanted to try and get into a server and actually become part of a community. I'm about to graduate with an engineering degree so I'm probably a bit biased, but my favorite mod is IndustrialCraft. I love all the different machines and systems you could make in it.
In game I always try to get into Thaumcraft/other magic mods, but always find myself messing around with the tech mods too much. I wanna actually try the magic mods this time. Besides gaming, I like to travel, read, run, and I do a bit of woodwork.