Howdy, I am 20 years old, living in the greatest state in America: Texas. I found you guys through my friend Iophobic, in which him and I go back a long time playing video games together. I originally got into Minecraft, when I was in middle school, back in ole 2011. My buddy told me about this game that was in alpha/beta phase and that you could make a tnt cannon and build giant buildings. I looked into the game and watched the first video to pop up on youtube "How to survive the night in Minecraft" by the Yogscast. I then bought the game and then fell in love playing it. I liked it because as a kid it reminded me of virtual Legos and how I didn't have to clean them up or take them apart to keep playing with them. After that I have played minecraft with friends on vanilla and eventually modpacks together. I have spent over 10,000 hours of my life playing minecraft through the years and it's a game that I'll continue to play off and on, no matter how old I become. Well enough of minecraft, I'll list some things about myself. I am a university student, studying Mechanical Engineering Technology with a minor in Technology. I play some WoW, OverWatch, Modded Fallout New Vegas, and many other games on Steam. My favorite song is American Pie by Don McLean. I like playing volleyball, ping pong, spike-ball and I enjoy free writing or rather creative writing. I guess that's enough about me. I hope to see y'all soon on the server!
P.S. I haven't been banned either on any servers. Just always listened to the admins and don't act dumb in chat and ingame.