Hi there, thanks for your interest and your application.
You are welcome to join our community, I've gone ahead and added you to the whitelist.
I wish the best of luck for your exams, you may come back and relax whenever you feel like it.
See you on the server!
I am 20 years old. I played minecraft for a number of years. I only played in vanilla and the ancient weapons mod. My favourite part of that mod was the ability to create NPCs that could farm and mine for me. My computer was too weak to run big mods, but my brother could play Volts with his friends. I used to enjoy just watching him play even if I couldn't.
I stopped playing minecraft because vanilla became boring. Other pressures in my life also pushed me into focussing more on real world achievement and less on games. For long I have only played skywars on a server once in a long while.
I have exams coming up and I am stressing quite a bit about that. I wanted to play minecraft today just to relax. A large part of my boredom with vanilla was that I had no real companion to play with on a regular basis. I hope to change that with this server.
With my exams I will not be able to play a lot in the next month and a half. I would appreciate being accepted to the server so that I can play once they are over. Today I am just going to spend some time getting to know this modpack, as it is new to me.
My time zone is UTC +2 (South Africa). I would play between 5 and 8 pm.
Thank you for considering me.
Edit to be clear, I have never been banned from any server for trolling, spam or other reasons. The servers I played on were not well designed in matching me with someone that played at roughly the same times as I did.
Hi there, thanks for your interest and your application.
You are welcome to join our community, I've gone ahead and added you to the whitelist.
I wish the best of luck for your exams, you may come back and relax whenever you feel like it.
See you on the server!