17 May 2019, 20:29

Age: 21

Country: Poland

How I found you: I was playing on some Vanilla Minecraft servers, but I got bored doing the same things. Then I was thinking of playing on a modded server with Life in the Village modpack. So I've quickly found you via Internet.

How I got into Minecraft: When I was about 12-13 some of my friends were talking about things they have done on their Minecraft worlds. Then I wanted to play it myself and it was the beginning of my Minecraft "journey" (it was beta 1.3_01, I think).

Favourite Mod: The main reason I chose Life in the Village modpack is that it has Millenaire Mod. I really enjoy playing this mod since Yogbox release and I always like to come back to this mod. Thanks to Millenaire the world exploration is far more interesting than in Vanilla Minecraft.

IRL info: I'm studying Maths at university in Warsaw. I listen to instrumental/orchestral soundtracks from different games (my favourite are from Spellforce 3), but also electronic music. I go out with friends whenever I can and I like beer.

About bans: I don't have any permanent bans, I had 1 or 2 temporary bans for AFK mining on Skyblock servers, but it was quite some time ago.