Hi I'm tecmaster12 my friend is Code. I'm 21 and live in Wisconsin. I have no history with bans or lieing about my age. Its been a while sense i last played minecraft and wanted to get back into it. I played a lot in high school with my friends and enjoy seeing what different things i can make while hanging out with my friends.
Hi I'm tecmaster12 my friend is Code. I'm 21 and live in Wisconsin. I have no history with bans or lieing about my age. Its been a while sense i last played minecraft and wanted to get back into it. I played a lot in high school with my friends and enjoy seeing what different things i can make while hanging out with my friends.
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server!
Unfortunately, your application is a bit shorter than we would like. If you could add on to it, we'd appreciate it.
Feel free to include more information about why you want to be a part of our community, or personal things like your favorite mods or building style. - 2 months later
Well Phit I'd love to give you some more info about myself it just took a bit due to trying to move back into my house after a major flood. I really enjoyed a lot of mods, my personal favorite was thaumcraft (although that was thaumcraft 2), but i also enjoyed tinkers construct, advent of ascension: nevermine , mod packs such as the yogbox, and I even at one point was trying to setup my own modpack for my friends and I to play. I don't really have a certain building style (at least i like to think i don't) as i like to take each world/modpack to try and do something I haven't done before or outside of the box. I want to be part of your community because as my life has changed and things happen I don't have much of a community to play games with in general. As i said before Code is one of my friends and he's talked very highly of your community and i would like to join both him and the rest of the community. Thanks so much for your time. Tecmaster
Hi tecmaster,
I'm sorry to hear about your house flooding, it's completely understandable you would reply so late.
As such I've given your application a fair review and decided to add you to our whitelist!I hope you have a great time with us, and did you know we are launching a new modpack tomorrow!
Thanks so much Prusias! No I didn't know what's the modpack?