Age: 18, M
Country: USA
How I found you guys: Was looking for a server to play the Life in the Village mod pack on and this was the first and best looking result
History of bans or lying about age: Haven't gotten banned from a Minecraft server since 2013 and it was for stealing from other players, rest assured I am now much older and mature so that will not be a problem but i'm still noting this for transparency. I have not lied about my age on any servers ever.
How I got into Minecraft: I got into Minecraft in 2012 when I read about it in the Guinness world records gamer's edition (lord knows how I still remember that) and regularly played through about 2016 and then I took a break until I got back into it towards the end of 2018 when I heard about how the 10th anniversary of the game was coming up that following year. I have been playing regularly since, mostly on mod packs and servers so servers on mod packs like this one are my preferred way of playing Minecraft.
My favorite mod has to be harvest craft, I enjoy planting and gardening in real life so I really enjoy the farming aspects the mod brings into Minecraft and usually won't play a mod pack unless it has harvest craft in it.
Outside of Minecraft, my favorite game would probably be Fallout 4 and I am a fan of most Bethesda games (though I've been really disappointed in them lately, especially with the Fallout 76 fiasco) and generally like open world action-rpg games though i'm a fan of open world in general which is one of the reasons why I enjoy Minecraft.
I enjoy playing on servers with other people and creating entire towns with groups of people which is why I prefer multi player over single player in Minecraft.
Hopefully this is a good enough length for my application and I really am looking forward to playing this mod pack on a server with other great people!