23 Nov 2019, 05:53

Howdy, my name is Clay, it's what I go by most of the time but when the times come to get to know each other I am chill with anything.

I am 16 years of age and whatnot, and have played Antimatter Chemistry for a while now and have wanted to play alongside someone so, a friend and I wanted to play on the servers that you provide. In my pass time, I tend to play mc and if not on mc I am playing with others on CS:GO and Gmod, don't worry, I'm not the kid in the lobby with the really bad mic. Not saying that it is good either, heh good thing I don't need to use it that often.

If someone wants to ask anything I am open anytime, my discord is Fluffy The Destroyer#3845
My DMs are open just say that you are from this community since a lot of people tend to spam me at times.