Hi, I'm 20, currently living in Ontario in Canada. I found this server from a friend who wants to play the all the mods 5 server when it comes out. He is whitelisted on stonebound (His username is Vindag). I have played minecraft for a good 8 years and enjoyed it for a long time, on and off of course. I havent played up to date mods or modpacks, mostly playing stuff thats around 1.7.10 and 1.6.4, so I'm excited to see whats new.
Hi, I'm 20, currently living in Ontario in Canada. I found this server from a friend who wants to play the all the mods 5 server when it comes out. He is whitelisted on stonebound (His username is Vindag). I have played minecraft for a good 8 years and enjoyed it for a long time, on and off of course. I havent played up to date mods or modpacks, mostly playing stuff thats around 1.7.10 and 1.6.4, so I'm excited to see whats new.
I forget to mention that I havent ever been banned or have lied about my age, though full disclosure, I havent played much in terms of community servers but am not really into griefing or cheating.
Application accepted, hope to see you there
@Scarlet thanks, same to you!