hello fletcher, I've gone ahead and added you to the whitelist.
I used to play in a pipe band about 4 years ago playing the bagpipes (noise maker) and definitely would say playing in a band is a great time
have fun and I hope to see you online
Hi, I'am Fletcher_33 I have 16 years old. I come from France, baguette country. That's why I have a bad level in English. I have find your server when I looked for a modded server for play with mods and with other persons. I have never lynong in my age and I have never ban in my player history. I am a musician, i play saxophone and i play il a jazz band. I like also play soccer with my friend. I have begin playing minecraft at 10 years old and playing with mods since my 13 years. I very like playing skyblock modpack like project ozone, skyfactory or the french modpack Ragnamod V. I like also the modpack Antimatter Chemistry, I have find this forum think's to this mod. I hope my english is acceptable and thaht you will accepect me in your server. Thank you, bye
Yes, I saw that the Antimatter Chemistry server is closed. I would like join one of your servers, if it's possible
hello fletcher, I've gone ahead and added you to the whitelist.
I used to play in a pipe band about 4 years ago playing the bagpipes (noise maker) and definitely would say playing in a band is a great time
have fun and I hope to see you online