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I'm just a bored college student with too much free time. I'm studying comp sci right now after switching majors and couldn't feel better. I used to play modded minecraft a lot so I'm quite used to the majority of mods and I'm primarily interested in the Create mod since it's so unique. I personally liked the technical mods like Thermal foundation and making efficient machines. Other than minecraft I usually play fps games like Apex and recently roblox Arsenal just cause I am surprisingly good. I want to join this community because I find playing on a server with others far more enjoyable than single player. I look forward to potentially playing with all of you guys if I'm accepted. -
Hello TerminusEst,
I have gone ahead and added you to our whitelist, a lot of people hanging about on the Stonebound servers study comp science or something similar (including me), so I think you'll fit right in!