My name is Alexander, I'm from Russia
I'm currently 23 y.o.I've found this server in the official Create Discord channel #community tab
I enjoy programming, 3d-printing, 3d-modelling, modding MC (at least looking at its source code time to time in order to see things like how should I place my crops on farmland)
And yeah, I'm currently working as a game developer (unity c# programmer)I've mostly learned English by watching a lot of YouTube videos since my school days, according to tests my level is upper intermediate, so I suppose it's good enough
I've started playing MC in 2011, beta 1.5_01 version
I love doing Redstone and other mechanical stuff, but also I try to build something more creative than dirt shacks
I would love to join the server to play with other people with Create mod
@alexprogrammer Eya thanks for applying, I'va added you to the whitelist, have fun making your dirt shacks. Dirt is vastly underappreciated in the minecraft community, some people take it as a sign of the quick and easy mindset, but we all know dirt is much harder to acquire than planks overall. Dirt can also be used to grow crops, and plant trees, so putting it on your house is a good way to make up for lack of space, and add a nice nature aes·thet·ic.
Application Approved
@scarlet now I want to take that as a personal challange and try to build something fancy and natural using dirt/leaves/bamboo/etc
Thanks for your reply and have a nice day!