Age - 22
Country - United States
Found - Friend told me (chowchowg)
Any history of bans or lying about your age - No
How you got into Minecraft - I started to watch the Yogscast and captainsparklez back in middle school. When i actual downloaded Minecraft it was one of the funniest times i had as a kid and have been in love with it ever since.
Your favorite mod - Tekkit classic, first mod i ever played.
Favorite things to do in game - Building structures or going to space always fun.
hobbies/interests - Any puzzle/ strategy game i like and we as creative games.
Tekkit classic isn't a mod ye bloody wanka! Cough
Shame advanced rocketry hasn't made it to 1.16 yet, even though functionally there's not much difference between just building in a different dimension it's strangely surreal.
Anyways, have fun playing with Chow.
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