Hi there a Frenchie in the house, I'm John! I'm 31 Years old! Almost 32, i'm a Libra.
I found you on the internet while searching a server for the Seaopolis Mod!
I've never been banned from a Minecraft server, I'm a "long" time minecraft player! I don't have a favorite Mod! I love all the "quests mods"!!
I'm used to play with a friend, we try a lot of mods together! She's a bit afraid of submarine world but i'll deal with it! (She's Akachan57, normally she will apply at the same time as I do).
IRL I'm a Father of a Dog named Haïku and 2 cats named Butters and Anya (Anya loves to puke all around the house, she's a lovelly cat)
Sometimes I stream on twitch as "John_Ginger" unfortunaltely John_Ginger was taken as Minecraft nameI hope my english is correct and you can understand everything a said!
Hope you'll enjoy this presentation
Heyo neighbor, sorry for the wait. Have fun playing on our server with your friend, just whitelisted you both.
Your English is great, see you around