Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server!
Unfortunately, your application is a bit shorter than we would like. If you could add on to it, we'd appreciate it.
Feel free to include more information about why you want to be a part of our community, or personal things like your favorite mods or building style.
Hello, im 18 from California. my friend was looking for a oceanblock server and found yours. I havent been banned from any servers. Ive been playing mc since it came out officially since 2010. I would say my favorite mod would be matter overdrive. I would like to join the community to be able to play with everyone and to, learn or teach things from mods that someone might know or not know. I would love to join your server thank you for your time.
Hello, and thank you for your interest in our server!
Unfortunately, your application is a bit shorter than we would like. If you could add on to it, we'd appreciate it.
Feel free to include more information about why you want to be a part of our community, or personal things like your favorite mods or building style. -
before I accept or decline I have to ask do you mean beta minecraft release or normal release?, as it initially released in 2010
added you to the whitelist have fun playing with Death, and not really played with overdrive myself, so not too familiar with it.